Quebra hidráulica do subsolo l Database – SkyTruth Drilling Alerts

Isto é o que você pode saber sobre o fracionamento hidráulico do subsolo na America do norte, e o que podemos saber sobre isto no Brasil?

Fracking Chemical Database – SkyTruth Drilling Alerts.

Fracking Chemical Database

A realidade do fracionamento hidráulico do subsolo americano

SkyTruthmaintains a database of chemicals that were reported by oil and gas drilling operators as being used in hydraulic fracturing operations. The database contains records for more than 27,000 frack operations from January 2011 through August 2012 in 24 US states.
SkyTruth believes that information like this should be freely available to the public for educational and research purposes, so we are making the entire database available online for anyone that wants to download it.

NOTE: some reports contain inaccurate location information in the original report provided by the operator.  That’s why there are a few dots out in the middle of the ocean.  We don’t know the correct locations, so we left them where they are.


Explore this data set in an interactive map.  Visit our friends at FracTracker.org.


Subscribe to get an email alert or use an RSS feed to be notified whenever a new frack chemical report is added to our database. Automated Notifications are provided by the SkyTruth Alerts system.  For now we have packaged the alerts by state, so select your state below, then enter your email address and start receiving updates (no more than one peer day).  You can cancel the subscription at any time.

 Arkansas  New Mexico  Texas
 Califormia  North Dakota  Utah
 Colorado  Oklahoma  West Virginia
 Louisiana  Pennsylvania  Wyoming


Download the entire data set for your own research purposes.
See ourFrack Checmical Data Download page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the data come from?
We acquire the data from the websiteFracFocus.org, which publishes voluntary disclosure reports produced by oil and gas drilling operators.  We have cleaned up and reorganized the data, and we have filtered out a few records (less than 1%) where we either could not access, or could not reliably extract data.

What’s in the database?
The database contains details about each fracking operation: location, date, well depth, volume of water, as well as details about chemicals used in the fracking fluid including name, quantity, and Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number.  However, many of the chemical components included in the reports are withheld by the operator as “trade secrets”.

How Complete is it?
Unfortunately, the voluntary public disclosures available to us on the FracFocus website do not provide anything close to a complete disclosure data set.  We do not have reports for all the wells that have been fracked, and in the reports that we do have, many chemical components are explicitly withheld.  We are currentlyresearching the disclosure rate to try to estimate how much is missing.  Stay tuned, or download the data and assess its completeness for yourself.

What does it cost?
Nada.  Zip. Nothing.
Despite the fact that we have gone to considerable effort to compile this database, we believe that the best way to serve the public interest is to maximize the amount of research and education that can benefit from the availability of this data set.  So we’re giving it away for free to anyone that wants to use it for those purposes. All we ask for in return is a tip ‘o the hat when you publish your report.

How do I get it?
You can view and download the entire data set from ourFrack Checmical Database Download page.  You can also find the data set along with some great analysis and visualizations at FracTracker.org

What can I do with it?
You can use our data set free of charge for any non-profit, educational or research purpose. All we ask in return is that you acknowledge SkyTruth as the source of the data.  You can load it into excel, filter it, add up the totals and make your own reports. Use the standard API Number that is assigned to every well to match up our data with other state data to see what interesting things you find (or don’t find).  If you’re looking for ideas of what do do, email us at info@skytruth.org – we have lots of them!

You can validate out data by downloading the original reports from fracfocus.org, though you should note that sometimes the report PDFs are altered on FracFocus after they have been published.

If you find one that does not match, please let us know !

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